My superhero lives in an underground cave in Australia. The cave is dark and misty. The walls are made of hard stone that crackles and crumbles. The floor is made out of cracked brick. The cave has glass cabinets to hold all the secret weapons and gadgets in. There is an elevator that blends in with the red rock to open the elevator and there is a secret button you push to get the elevator to open the elevator.
My superhero's name is Shadow, she has black wavy hair and light blue jeans and a dark red t-shirt, also dark dark dark black boots. She has white metal gloves that protects her hands from getting hurt.
She is kind and helpful and saves the day.
She can jump from tower to tower by using an invisible rope. She sneaks into villains secret bases and takes all of the villains down to china town because they are willing to take over the world! mwahahahahaha.