Tuesday, March 14, 2017

My Special Place

                                     My Special Place
Crash The sound of the waves slowly drifting smaller and smaller as it reaches the beach , Just then i run through the ocean splashing it around. Just after I can hear a voice saying “WAIT, wait for me” oh it was my cousin. We dive into the freezing cold water , my dad comes and teaches us how to dive under the big waves and over the smaller ones. Once we got the hang of it we hear a voice yelling “LUNCH”

We all scramble out of the water and onto the hot sandy land , the sand looks like a giant sizzling bbq I could see hot steam floating up from in the deep within the sand . Once we get to our tent we found that there was food lots of food hot food, cold food, sweet food , sour food it was delicious. I felt so full I thought I would POP!!!.

After lunch we ran around until we found a good spot, then we started to dig and make lines Wala!!! I had just completed well half completed a fort now all I needed was sticks! I quickly scrambled to the nearest pile of sticks, snatched them all up and ran back. Finally I had finished my fort.it looked like a gigantic castle!!
My little sister was yelling at me “I want to go to the lagoon” so that's what we did and I mean all of us ashleigh , dad , harlow (my little sister) , alyssa (cousin) and me all went to the lagoon. It was a lot warmer than the ocean, and a lot deeper. “EWW there's something on my foot” alyssa yelled “oh it was only seaweed” she said, alyssa told me it felt like a slimy eel slowly wrapping itself around her feet .  we saw a little stream coming from the ocean and into the lagoon we digged a hole right bye the stream and made a mini pool.

The beach is my special place     




  1. great describing words i'm putting you on the happy face. now i just sound like a teacher and i'm clearly not

  2. i like the way you put nice woords and adverbes
    its good how you put were your special place is
    you need to work on doing more adverbes to make you wrighting nice and swieet
    nice jobe

  3. great describing words, maybe try make your story longer.
