Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Matariki - Week 10

This is my reflection.  
Yesterday it was Matariki and we all had a workshop to go to and these are the workshops that you could choose from: Sewing, rakau, mural art, poi making, weaving Matariki stars, gardening, cooking and kite making.  
But if you want to do sewing , mural art and kite making you need to stay there for 2 sessions because they will take longer to make.  I chose sewing and at first it was easy, but when I started to make the proper thing it started to get harder and I pricked myself with a needle when I was pinning.  But after all that drama I was fine.  After sewing we did hand games, they were fun and tricky and my buddy was Emma for the hand games.

This is a photo of Emma and me sewing.

Sienna Sewing.JPG
This is me

Emma and I enjoyed using the sewing machine especially the big one

Emma Sewing.JPG       This is Emma.


  1. Wow Sienna It look's like you and Emma had a lot of fun

  2. wow sienna, it is cool to sew on a sewing machine, so why did you chose sewing for martiriki
