Wednesday, August 19, 2015

We should allow pets in school - Term 3 week 4

WALT persuade other students to agree with our opinion.  This the purpose for my writing.
Success Criteria:
  1. I plan for a writing task
  2. I write a variety of sentence lengths with different sentence starters
  3. Give reasons with detail - use specific words
  4. I write most topic and high frequency words correctly.
  5. I use capital letters, fullstops, question marks and exclamation marks correctly.
  6. Use persuasive language

We should allow pets in schools.

I believe that we should allow pets in school because they can help in lots of ways.

Train pets to do jobs for you: For example if your pencil is stuck up somewhere high then your pet bird will fly up and get it for you.  Another reason is if you get stuck up a tree your cat will go up the tree and then go back down and then you can follow the cat down.    

Pet fitness: when you get tired of running your pet dog can run for you.  Furthermore if your dog can’t run you could walk it each day and then it would be fit and then it would be able to run for you.  

Pets can make you happy.When you are doing a test and you don’t know a question your pet can calm you down.  Finally when you have no one to play with you can play with your pet like if you had a dog you could play fetch with it or with a rabbit you could play hide and seek on the field.

That is why pets should be allowed in schools.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Skimming reading strategy - Term 3 week 2

Walt skim an unknown text so that we can quickly get an understanding of it

  • I can decide if a book has useful information I need,or whether I want to read it for pleasure.

These are the things I can do to skim
1.look at the title
2.look at the blurb
3.look at the chapters the first sentience to see if you like it
5.look at the pictures

See more and watch the video about skimming!