Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Matariki - Week 10

This is my reflection.  
Yesterday it was Matariki and we all had a workshop to go to and these are the workshops that you could choose from: Sewing, rakau, mural art, poi making, weaving Matariki stars, gardening, cooking and kite making.  
But if you want to do sewing , mural art and kite making you need to stay there for 2 sessions because they will take longer to make.  I chose sewing and at first it was easy, but when I started to make the proper thing it started to get harder and I pricked myself with a needle when I was pinning.  But after all that drama I was fine.  After sewing we did hand games, they were fun and tricky and my buddy was Emma for the hand games.

This is a photo of Emma and me sewing.

Sienna Sewing.JPG
This is me

Emma and I enjoyed using the sewing machine especially the big one

Emma Sewing.JPG       This is Emma.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Little Alchemy - Week 8

This is little alchemy.  
Little alchemy is a very cool game.  When you start little alchemy you start with these items - fire, water, earth and air.  You can make all sorts of stuff.  There is cheats which come up in the top left hand side but wait till it says this - "Are you stuck? Do you need a hint," then click on it.  You can make about 530 items.  You can also make funny items like underpants. He He!

  This is the look of the app.  You can get this game on your tablet , computer , phone , and many more.  This game is even free.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Area - Week 6

In room 12 we are learning about Area: 

Area is very important because when you need a plane that has 20 rows and 15 columns you would not know which one is the one you need. Lots of us didn't know Area yet so we got our chairs and made a bus that had to be 28 s.u.  Then we had to make a bus with 24 s.u and we needed to take away 4 or 5 chairs for it to work.  It was really fun and learning it was fun too.  We were learning about rows and columns.


If you wanted a shape with 10 columns and 2 rows this is what you can do:  You can get the 2 and the 10 and x them like this - 10x2=20 square units and there is your total value of the area inside the plane.