My Special Place
Crash The sound of the waves slowly drifting smaller and smaller as it reaches the beach , Just then i run through the ocean splashing it around. Just after I can hear a voice saying “WAIT, wait for me” oh it was my cousin. We dive into the freezing cold water , my dad comes and teaches us how to dive under the big waves and over the smaller ones. Once we got the hang of it we hear a voice yelling “LUNCH”
We all scramble out of the water and onto the hot sandy land , the sand looks like a giant sizzling bbq I could see hot steam floating up from in the deep within the sand . Once we get to our tent we found that there was food lots of food hot food, cold food, sweet food , sour food it was delicious. I felt so full I thought I would POP!!!.
After lunch we ran around until we found a good spot, then we started to dig and make lines Wala!!! I had just completed well half completed a fort now all I needed was sticks! I quickly scrambled to the nearest pile of sticks, snatched them all up and ran back. Finally I had finished my looked like a gigantic castle!!
My little sister was yelling at me “I want to go to the lagoon” so that's what we did and I mean all of us ashleigh , dad , harlow (my little sister) , alyssa (cousin) and me all went to the lagoon. It was a lot warmer than the ocean, and a lot deeper. “EWW there's something on my foot” alyssa yelled “oh it was only seaweed” she said, alyssa told me it felt like a slimy eel slowly wrapping itself around her feet . we saw a little stream coming from the ocean and into the lagoon we digged a hole right bye the stream and made a mini pool.
The beach is my special place